"Clothing & Size" with Sommer Green, Jay Miranda, Lauren Downing Peters and Marcy Guevara-Prete in Conversation with Rachel Kinnard, August 20, 2017.
Quoted in "Figure Studies: The world of high fashion has historically been less than accessible to those over a size 12. With the help of boundary-pushing designers and models, is that finally starting to change?" by Véronique Hyland for American Elle(print), September 2017, 178-182.
"Talking About Plus-Size FashionMichelle Millar Fisher and Stephanie Kramer in conversation with Lauren Downing Peters and Clare Sauro," Medium.com, January 19, 2017.
"Size Zero or Bust: Celebs Want Red Carpet Options Beyond the 'Sample Size,' but Most Designers Aren't Complying...Yet," Interview with E! News online, January 6, 2017.
"The Fashion Studies Journal Takes an Intelligent Approach to Fashion," Fashion Unfiltered, November 10, 2016.
"La moda XL en la balanza" (trans. "Large Size Fashion on the Rise"), interview with Paula Magazine, March 22, 2016
"Beyond the Seams: Lauren Downing Peters," Parsons MA Fashion Studies Blog, January 22, 2016.
"Review: Fashioning Everyday, Absent and Other Bodies," Erica deGreef for Fashion Research Network, August 2015.
"Parsons Alumnae Plan Collective For Local Fashion Academics, Sociologists, Historians," Fashion Times, July 1, 2015.
"Parsons Alumnae Gear up Collective for Fashion Studies Academics," Women's Wear Daily, June 30, 2015.
"Lauren Downing Peters: An Alumna’s Reflects on the MA Fashion Studies Program," Parsons MA Fashion Studies Blog, January 24, 2013.