

Diversity takes many shapes and forms, and within dress research there are scholars who are exploring a more inclusive approach to fashion. Our roundtable panelists will talk about going beyond body standardization in fashion and consider design and historical concepts around ability, plus size, subcultural body modifications, and pregnancy. Hear about their research, which spans from historic pattern making to modern social media influencers as they interrogate the norms of the fashion body, the way they have changed, and what happens outside of them.


Rightfully Sewn's 3rd annual Fashion Forward seminar brought together Kansas City's fashion, fitness, and entrepreneurial communities to learn from regional and national fashion experts and entrepreneurs. Here, Dr. Lauren Downing Peters gives a keynote lecture titled, “Imagining an Inclusive* Design Future.”


Lauren Downing Peters presenting “Dangerous Curves: Disciplining the Fat, Female Body Through Design Discourse” at the colloquium, UNRULY DESIGN: MAKING, CHANGING AND BREAKING RULES, Parsons School of Design (March 2-3, 2018). "Unruly Design" explores the rules that govern design concepts, acts of making and fashion practices both historically and in today's context.


Emma McClendon interviews Lauren Downing Peters about her research on the early history of 'stoutwear' and the plus-size industry for the exhibition "The Body: Fashion and Physique" (December 5, 2017 - May 5, 2018).


Lauren Downing Peters presenting "Dressing Smart, Looking Slender: Stoutwear and the Discourse of Fitting In 1915-1931" at The Museum at FIT's 19th fashion symposium, Fashion and Physique, held on Friday, February 23, 2018.


The Museum at FIT interviews 8 leaders in the field of fashion on body diversity for the exhibition "The Body: Fashion and Physique" (December 5, 2017 - May 5, 2018). Interviewees include: Kim Jenkins, Parsons School of Design Joanne Entwistle, King's College London Sara Ziff, Founder of The Model Alliance Lauren Downing Peters, Centre for Fashion Studies at Stockholm University Iskra Lawrence, Model Grace Jun, Executive Director at Open Style Lab Christian Siriano, Designer Gary Dakin, Co-founder of JAG Models


Parsons School of Design presents Fashion Plus || Design and Body Diversity. Parsons School of Fashion's Dean, Burak Cakmak, host an open conversation about design and body diversity. Moderator: Bethany Heitman, Executive Editor of In Style Panelists: - Becca McCharen, CHROMAT, for her efforts toward body diversity and her technological approaches to design/making.