(In Progress) (Re-)Dressing the American Body, co-authored with Emma McClendon (New Haven: Yale University Press)
(In Progress) Fashion in American Life, co-edited with Hazel Clark (London: Bloomsbury)
(In Progress) “A Plus-Size Problem” in Fashion Design Case Studies: A Student Guide to Learning with Case Studies, edited by Fiona Dieffenbacher (New York: Fairchild Books)
(Accepted) “From Circumference to Size: Tailoring the Fat Man, 1820-1920,” coauthored with Chloe Chapin in The Handbook of Men’s Fashion, edited by Ben Barry, José Blanco and Andrew Reilly (London: Palgrave)
(Accepted) “Case Study: Plus-Size Fashion” in Jennifer Craik (ed.) Fashion: The Key Concepts, 2nd Ed. (London: Bloomsbury)
(In Production) “Fashion and the Fat Body” in José Blanco (ed.) The Meanings of Dress, 5th Ed. (London: Bloomsbury)
(In Production) “Design for Borderline Bodies” in Laura Snelgrove (ed.) Fashion & Motherhood (London: Bloomsbury)
“On Cultivating Empathy: Toward a Size Inclusive Fashion Design Curriculum” in Deb Christel and Ben Barry (eds.) Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution (London: Intellect, 2023)
“Shaping the Standard Body: Sizing in American Fashion,” co-authored with Emma McClendon in Michelle Tolini Finamore (ed.) Fashioning America: From Grit To Glamour, (Fayetteville: The University of Arkansas Press, 2022)
"Looking Fat in a Slender World: The Dialectic of Seeing and Becoming in Jen Davis' 'Eleven Years'" in Morna Laing and Jacki Wilson (eds.) Revisiting the Gaze (London: I.B. Tauris, 2020)
“Queering the Hourglass: Beauty and New Wave Fat Activism” in Alberto Ferriera and Lucy Moyse (eds.) Cosmetic, Aesthetic Prophetic: Beyond the Boundaries of Beauty (Leiden: Brill, 2019)
“Fa(t)shion February and Fuck Yeah VBO: Case Studies in Digital Embodiment and Sartorial Counterdiscourse” in The Body Beautiful? Identity, Performance, Fashion and the Contemporary Female Body (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015)
"Effortless Consumption: The "Anthropoloigie of a Brand-Focused Online Shopping Community" in Joseph Hancock, Gjoko Muratovski, Veronica Manlow, Anne Pierson-Smith (eds.) Global Fashion Brands: History, Luxury and Style(London: Intellect, 2015).
(In Progress) “Fat Social Justice Within Fashion Education,” coauthored with Dominique Norman, Keena Hudson and Deborah A. Christel, Fat Studies: The Journal of Body Weight and Society.
(Submitted) “Growing Up Through Growing Down: Reframing Degrowth in Fashion Education,” coauthored with Sara Idacavage, International Journal of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles.